Membership has its Perks!

Our members have access to this Membership Portal and Community Group. Get your questions answered and learn how to use your essential oils.

  • Community Group

    All doTERRA Old Ways Made New Team members have access to our Community Group on Telegram where you can ask questions and stay up to date on announcements.

  • Bonus material

    Get your questions answered within each course. You can easily ask questions under each topic.

Let's Get Started!

Be sure to enroll in the membership "course" and turn on your notifications for comments. That way you will have not only the community here in this membership portal but also the community group on Telegram.

Deborah Robinson and Team

We have several members of our group that have added friends to the team. We are teaching these classes together. So feel free to reach out to the person that is working with you as your mentor as well. As soon as possible I want to get a picture of us together.